Self Help for Breast Lumps

by Taum Sayers

2010...A written note from a client:

This year, in your concern that another gifted woman had perished from breast cancer, you explained a self-help technique that you called a "breast drain" that any woman could do to encourage drainage and removal of toxins from the breast tissue and glands. For several decades in the offices of several personal physicians (I have moved several times), I had heard expressions of concern during manual breast exams because of suspicious lumpiness within the tissue of my breasts. I would be repeatedly called back after a mammogram to have additional testing done.

A biopsy was never required but there was always the nagging sense that something needed to be carefully watched. There was also always a painfulness that I accepted as "normal". The doctors determined that I had a cystic condition in both breasts.

During my most recent exam, however, after only a few months of applying the technique you explained, my doctor seemed quite pleasantly surprised that the tissue seemed much smoother. In fact, she did not mention a cystic content and even declared that the tissue condition was like that of a much younger woman.

Now that is something that every older woman appreciates hearing! Best of all, the painfulness I had tried to ignore for so many years has virtually disappeared. I have passed your information along to both of my daughters. So, you see, your good influence continues beyond the immediate sphere in which you do your therapeutic work.

—Carol Ann

My thoughts...

Sometimes we have the fortune to experience a spirited writer that presents life with a smile, a snicker, and an attitude without fear or anger. Molly Ivins shared that spirit in her writing and I truly enjoyed her art. In 2007, shortly after Molly passed away after losing her battle with breast cancer, I listened to Randi Rhodes while folks that knew Molly celebrated her life with some amazing stories of a gal that thought outside the box.

A particular story, the one that really got to me was

Molly's famous mooning of the Klu Klux Klan parade.

For numerous reasons, Molly's passing helped me realize I could no longer stand on the sidelines and not speak up, not do what's right. In my mind and humble opinion, too many people were suffering needlessly.

Nope... I could no longer simply observe and not offer my thoughts when I believed I had something to contribute (from 30+ years in the field of massage therapy) that may help others from experiencing a similar fate.

Understand, this was not an easy thing to do, as talking about women's breasts by a male therapist is way out of the scope of my normal conversations. I decided I couldn't sit by any longer, so during the course of my clinical sessions, when appropriate, I started sharing information pertinent to breast lumps. No, I would not do the procedure, what I would do and continue to do is demonstrate a self-help technique for increasing and improving circulation in that area. of the end products is this video.

My friend Barbara in North Carolina is a big supporter of The Berry Method® approach to health maintenance and knew of this self-help technique. She is also familiar with the self-help videos already on my website and suggested this would be appropriate to share with her friends and asked me to put a video together.

Please share!


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